Tuesday, August 5, 2008

For my Ashland Buddies

So this post is really for those who live or have lived in Ashland.  I went to Ashland this last weekend and drove by Bellview Elementary School (my former elementary school) and saw the demolition underway.  I couldn't believe that Mrs. Larson's kindergarden classroom is no longer jetting out from the side of the building.  No more "quad" with Mr. Thacker and the infamous candy "dip" jar.  Lots of memories!!  They will have to remain memories in my head now with no building to help recall, except the historical part of the building, better known as the front office and library.  To those who have attended Bellview Elementary with me, look at what is too come.  Can you believe it?


Emily said...

That is crazy! I wish I could of walked through the school one more time! All those memories...

Megan said...

Hey Rachel! It's been a long time! Thanks for leaving a comment. So, did I read that your husband is starting a residency? In what?

Sad about Bellview. I remember going there once a few years ago and thinking how small it looked compared to when we used to go there. And now, well, it will be even smaller :)

Good to hear from you. Your little girl is a doll!

bighowlermonkey said...

GOOD. I'm glad it's gone. Now they can build Walker2 where Bellview used to be.

Taylor said...

Yeah, it;s nuts to see just the front building standing all by itself. Where are they going to put the spook house?!
Good to hear from you. I met your uncle a few days ago.