Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Much Needed Break

Jason has been averaging 72 hours a week of work.  Jason has gone through a five week rotation of wards (hospital work) and now is just finishing up his first two week rotation of nights.  Although it is a lot of work, we have found that the UW prepared and trained him well for Residency.  We are continuing to adjust as a family.  The one piece of advice that we have gotten is to utilize his ONE day off each week.  So, we challenged ourselves to a well needed break and a day as a family away from home.

The day started with the "breakfast for champions".  We found a mom and pop type restaurant right down the street.  They don't take reservations, so you have to wait in line for a seat.  Luckily to our advantage we have a daughter who wakes up between 7:00-7:30.  The line wasn't too bad when we got there around 8:30.  We got our menu and decided to order Kyla a small pancake, which ended up being almost the size of a small plate.  She enjoyed playing with it more than eating.  Jason got what we call the breakfast of champions!!  Scrambles eggs with cheese and bacon (of course), hash browns, two pancakes (the size of his plate) and an orange juice.  His WHOLE portion of the meal was $10.  It was amazing and sent us home with leftovers.  We cannot wait to go back!!!

We then stopped by the local bike shop to purchase a helmet for Kyla.  We were given a Kangaroo bike attachment that allows Kyla to ride behind Jason's bike.  The guy at the bike shop thanked us for coming in and looking for an infant helmet.  We had our choice between a pink one with little kids on it or the chicken one.  The chicken one it is!!!  If you know our Kyla, the pink one doesn't suit her.  A quick side note...I know some of you think that bike helmets are a little uncomfortable to wear, and are not necessary because they don't match your outfit or give you helmet hair...wrong (although they can be uncomfortable and unfashionable at times)!  For your safety, please where a helmet next time you ride!  You don't have to be traveling fast to get hurt.  Okay, back to the pictures and fun. :)  

Kyla didn't seem to mind the helmet after we started to move.   She was asleep by the time we got to the end of our block.

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