Sunday, October 19, 2008

An Amazing Woman called...


Two days ago my mom celebrated her 50th birthday.  Although many would look at these years and fear the age, my mom looked at the number and saw joy.  For she was celebrating another year of life she was blessed to live.  I stand amazed at the woman she is.  Filled with a love for the Lord, her family, and her friends.  She is a listener, a teacher, a companion.  One who loves, laughs, encourages, and gives.  She gives not of what she wants, but what is for the good of others.  She gives sacrificially out of love.  She offers forgiveness and grace.  Although these can be tough to give, my mom gives these because she knows God has offered them to her unconditionally.  

Mom, you are an extension of His Hand, His Touch, and His Love.  

Thank you for being all these things.  For allowing me to receive the love of a mother.  I am so grateful that I not only get to call you mom, but friend!!

1 comment:

Mike and Becka said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL!!! Rach, this was a really touching post. Pretty sure your mom cried when she read it!

Love you, friend!