Thursday, July 17, 2008

Little Miss Independence

This last 4th of July we spent with family in Woodland, WA.  It was a great time with a large BBQ and swimming.  Jason even got to spend over half of the day with us, which is unusually being that he averages one day off a week and he had to work the 4th.  He discharged all his patients and joined the family.

Kyla is growing more and more!  With her growth physically she is also growing in her little personality.  She is becoming more and more independet and is persistant in doing things her way.  At her nine month appointment the doctor called her "determined".  I told Jason that is just another name for strong willed.  It is so exciting to see her personality come out. 

So, with this said, here are some pictures of Klya and her cousin Karlen at our 4th of July picnic.

Karlen and Kyla

Kyla got the pomp pomp attached to her didn't seem to stop this determined one.

1 comment:

Mike and Becka said...

CUTIE PIE!!! This is exactly what I was waiting for! She is looking pretty dang adorable!

Love you!