Monday, June 16, 2008

The big SWITCH

Well, we made the big switch...from a Toshiba laptop to a MAC laptop.  Many people have given us strange looks, but the more we use it the more we like it.  The only downside is now we need to switch over all of our pictures from the old computer to the new one.  So with this switch comes more waiting.  I (Rachel) am usually the type of person that likes things in order and in their right place, however I will be posting updates out of order as I have the graduation pictures and not the moving and house pictures.  I guess and update is an update no matter the order or how much time has passed. 


Joanna Roddy said...

Strange looks? More like jealous!! We love our Mac. Welcome to the family.

Emily said...

Yeah for Macs! I have had one for 7 years and I love them. Can't wait to see all the pics.