Thursday, January 28, 2010

Listening to Sister

We got to go to my last OB appointment as a family. I am 34 weeks along and cannot believe that I am just four appointments away from the due date. We are excited to meet this little girl, and Kyla is growing in her curiosity of baby sister. Most of the time it is blowing zerberts on my stomach and laughing. I think because it makes little sister move, and mommy and daddy laugh. This last appointment Kyla was very curious as to what was taking place when my OB placed the gel and took the doppler to check for baby's heartbeat. So after hearing a great heartbeat, our OB let Kyla have her turn. She loved doing it all by herself and called the gel "soap". By the end of her doppler painting session, there was gel everywhere. It was all worth it, what a fun and special experience we had!


Carrie said...

Oh Rach, what a precious memory that will be for both of you!!!

BriT said...

awwww how precious!! Cant wait to see you all and meet the new baby girl! love you!

Staci said...

The pictures are priceless! Hope you are feeling well. If you are up to getting the girls together, just let me know. The only day that doesn't work are mondays because we have music class.

Mike and Becka said...

Love it! So cute! You're getting so close, Rach. Excited for you guys! Love ya!

Jaime said...

What a precious moment to share.We can't wait to meet this new little one!