Friday, May 22, 2009


We have been working in the backyard creating vegetable and flower beds.  Kyla's new friend is the worm as she calls "wom" (worm pronounced without the r).  Dirty and all, Kyla loves the backyard!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Impromptu Photo Shoot

While down in Ashland my Dad took these cute pictures of Kyla while we were playing outside.  Some of these have become my favorites!  Thanks Dad for sharing your talent! Don't mind Kyla's hair, it was after nap time and an hour of outside play.

Lithia Park - Ashland, OR

We will let the pictures tell the story!

It was a perfect family day in the park.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day


Sometimes things that go unsaid should cease to be so. You are such a great mom! Every day when I am away at work I am so thankful that I can rest in the knowledge that Kyla is being nurtured into the woman that God is forming her into. I love watching her run to you to put her arms around you. I love watching you make her laugh! She loves you so much Rachel. You are so intentional with her and I am watching that continually deposit into her character. Thank you for the love that you lavish upon her. Thank you for sacrificing over and over again to assure the best for her. Your consistency with her is amazing. Please know that your husband is in awe at the effort and love that you put into her day in and day out (let's not forget nights too).  Kyla and I honor you today. I love you and thank you Rachel!

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What Kyla Says

A little background before you read ahead...

Kyla loves dogs.  Every time she sees a dog she pats her leg and says doggie.  Sometimes she will add the "woof, woof".  Kyla doesn't get any animals mixed up with dogs anymore.  I would say that a dog would be her favorite animal.

Setting: Hardware Store

I noticed a man walking a Chiwawa.  The Chiwawa was dressed in clothes and was shaved pretty short.  As the dog got closer I leaned down to Kyla and said "look" as I pointed towards the dog. Kyla paused for a brief moment and said, "meow". 

I just about died laughing to myself in the store.  Luckily it wasn't loud enough for the dog's owner to hear.

Monday, May 4, 2009



How often in the dark of night doubt casts a shadow larger than
         the real and present trial I am facing?
How often on the course of life I’m called by Christ to run with faith
         but feel my weakness to sustain the pacing?
How often do we each endure our seeming so misunderstood
         by those we seek to love and serve or care for? 
And in such moments as described we’re tempted to remove ourselves
         without reviewing Heaven’s message, “Therefore!”

Now “Therefore fight,” but not as ones supposing they but beat the air,
         when every step you take you tread down serpents!
And “Therefore serve” as He who came “to serve and not be served,” He said;
         and doing so defined our call as servants!
So “Therefore!” loved one, sing down doubt and run with patience in the race,
         (so few of us have striven “unto blood.”)
And bear the yoke He’s called you to, reminded you are partnered with 
         The Burden Bearer—Jesus, Son of God.

In Him each promise is “Amen”; with Him you’ll find again—again,
         that in your weakness His strength will suffice you.
So “Therefore stand,” strong in the fight—Lift up your eyes, behold the light
         lest shadows, fears or weariness entice you. 
The course you take was charted by The Planner, Who has said, “My plans
         contain your future hope of My rewarding.

So stay the course, wear the yoke; embrace the Cross, and “Therefore, child,
         you’ll know the joy that’s coming in the morning!

                                                                                                                       Jack W. Hayford
                                                                                                                       April 13, 2009