Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pink? or Blue?

We have reached the halfway point of this pregnancy. We can hardly believe that 20 weeks has gone by, and it is time for the "big", truth telling ultrasound. Granted we pray that all is healthy with little baby VW, and Jason's medical checklist passes with flying colors, we are both extremely excited to find out if we are adding a boy or girl to our family. This coming Friday we get to find out! Pink or Blue!?! We will soon find out!

We are taking a poll to find out what you think! Will Kyla have a little brother or sister? Take a guess, and post a comment if you would like. We will let you know the results this Friday! :)

Here are some facts about this pregnancy (some compared to last) to help you make your guess:

* My morning sickness was just all day nassau (same with Kyla), however it was earlier during weeks 4-7. My first pregnancy it was weeks 8-12.

* No major food aversions, but I love salt and water this pregnancy (with Kyla it was sweets).

* My skin is dryer this time, and was not as clear during the first trimester (With Kyla my skin was better).

* Felt the baby move at 13.5 weeks.

* Jason comes from a family with all male cousins except for one, I come from a family with all female cousins except for two.

* I had only gained 2 pounds as of my 17 week check up.

* Jason thinks it could be a boy. I really don't have any inkling, but have a desire as to what I want.

* Baby's movements are lower than Kyla's were. (I have heard that each baby gets lower with every pregnancy as well.)


Tiffany said...

hmm...I think boy! and if so, maybe a potential husband for one of our girls?? =)

Staci said...

We guess a BOY! Can't wait to hear on Friday.

Sarah said...

i'm partial to little I vote boy. :)

John and Bree plus 3 (and a dog!) said...

Hmmm... I'm going to guess - as a Momma of now 2 boys - early movement means BOY! :) Any heartburn? Because that means boy in my book too!

BriT said...