Although our summer has been stretched with sickness, we have had some great memories. So, my goal is to post some cute pictures of Kyla's trip to the ER while she had summer flu, and then the next posts will be pictures of our great memories this summer.
Kyla got the summer flu about a month ago. We started our morning with a trip to the doctor's but at this time we didn't know what she had. She was complaining of stomach pain one minute and the next minute she was running around and normal. It was the weirdest thing. Her fever would come and go, and so did her emotions. The day we went to the doctor, Kyla was totally out of it and because of her stomach cramping, we did a blood test to determine if she had a viral infection. Instead the blood test came back showing that she some sort of bacterial infection (which brought about concern for GI and apendix stuff). Kyla was very lethargic so we had to take her to a Children's ER where they did a stomach X-ray and Urine test.
About 45 minutes into our time at the ER, Kyla started perking up and couldn't wait to get her hands on a popsicle...which she had turned down earlier. We like to say that it was the tylenol that made the difference, but deep down inside we know that the Lord truly touched her body right there.
Being a prepared Mom, truth is I thought we were going to have to stay the night, I packed the DVD player and camera. Here are some picture I couldn't resist sharing! (Yes, she wanted her flip flops on the whole time)