Wednesday, May 26, 2010

When it Rains it Pours

Our poor blog. Last picture I posted was of Adalynn almost seven weeks ago. I cannot help but grieve the time that has gone by. It has been one of the most challenging periods of parenting so far, and yet the feelings of pride and accomplishment are now starting to make their way into our home as we feel like we have conquered the challenge that was set before us.

Our journey started on Easter, with Kyla waking up with Croup. As we posted earlier, a week later Adalynn came down with RSV and an ear infection. I was at five weeks postpartum and I felt a little of the baby blues set in, feeling a little overwhelmed with a really sick newborn, a bored 2 1/2 yr old, and an extremely messy and unorganized house. Thankfully my mom was able to come up and help out. What an amazing help she was and an incredible listener to all of my emotions. Mom you are truly amazing!

With Adalynn's ear infection, it required us to have the Dr. recheck her ear to make sure it was starting to drain and that the bacterial infection was starting to heal. Unfortunately we had her ear checked twice, two bouts of antibiotics later we were referred to a pediatrician ENT where we would assess the best way to have her ear drained.

Meanwhile Kyla got sick with cold #2 and was coughing and stuffy again. We are still unsure if Adalynn picked up this second cold and thus made it hard for her ear to drain.

Upon her visit to the ENT we were informed that we needed to have surgery to place tubes in her ears. Her ear canals are so tiny, and unfortunately ear problems runs in the family (sorry Adalynn). Because of this, the dr. was not able to drain them in the office. When the ENT started talking about anesthesia I felt a lump in my throat. Looking down at my little girl, it was all that I could do to hold back tears. I let them out later in the car, feeling scared and unsure of what the day of surgery was going to be like.

The next week I tried to keep my mind off of surgery day. Kyla got sick for the third time with a stomach bug. It was a few nights of cleaning up messes and holding a feverish/lethargic girl. I couldn't believe it...sick again...REALLY! Poor Kyla couldn't help it, but at this point I was just trying to stay afloat. We were praying that the stomach bug wouldn't spread to Adalynn or anyone else. Praise the Lord, by the day of surgery Kyla was better and no one else got it!!

The day of surgery started early, and looking back on it, went fast. We had to check in at 6:00 am. Since her surgery was at 7:30 I wasn't able to nurse her after 3:30 in the morning. I was so worried that I would have a screaming daughter as we were waiting. However we were recommended to try sugar water and it worked like magic!! We dipped her pacifier in it, and it calmed her right down.

As we walked into her surgery prep room, we were given little patient gown to put on and a little teddy bear for each child was put on their bed with their name on it and how old they were. Ours read "Adalynn, 65 days". My heart sank when I saw this. My little girl was really going in for surgery. Adalynn loved to look at the bear and I was blessed by the hospital's consideration to all the emotions of both children and their parents.

7:30 a.m. came and the toughest part had arrived. I handed Adalynn over the the nurse with tears in my eyes. She cuddled Adalynn up with warm blankets and carried her off to the operating room. It felt as if the wind was knocked out of me. The next 30 minutes went by fast and I was able to be there and help wake her up after surgery. What a joy it was to pick her little body up, cuddle her and calm her by nursing. She started eating right away, and kept eating and eating and eating.

Adalynn's ears have now drained and she is doing amazing. I have two healthy girls now. Total we have been to eight dr. appointments, one x-ray, three doses of antibiotics, chiropractic treatment, and one surgery in the last five weeks. I am so glad to say that the storm of sickness is over, and we are now starting to dry off.

Here are some pictures of Adalynn and her bear.


BriT said...

We hope she likes the bear from us one day better ;p

Jaime said...

Rach we continue to pray for you guys! I am so glad that the worst is over and now you can enjoy having two healthy beautiful little girls!
Love ya,

Joanna Roddy said...

Oh man, we both just read your story. I can't imagine how difficult all that must have been. Just putting Avonlea under the billy lights overnight brought me to tears. Not being able to hold her for 14 hours?! But general anesthesia, that is so much huger and scarier. You have been brave, friend. Look forward to cuddling your sweet new one and loving on all the other VWs next weekend.

PS I saw Rip and Kathy at the Edmonds Farmer's Market last weekend. SO fun. :)