Monday, March 29, 2010


Ashland was a huge blessing for our family. The ratio was two adults to one kid, which made a perfect transition period for our family. Adalynn was still adjusting to nursing, Kyla was adjusting to having a sister and less mommy time, Rachel was recovering from the delivery as well as mastitis, and Jason was enjoying the extra help with the new level of care his family required. Three woman can get quite emotional. :) Sorry Jason, there are more of these moments to come.

Here are some pictures that highlighted the trip. I could dedicate a whole post to some of these pictures, but it would take me another whole week to catch up on the blog.

Bath Time
Kyla loved taking a bath in Emmy's jetted tub. The bubbles multiplied and Kyla dressed herself in them.

Our trip to Costco...the sunglasses didn't come off our whole time in the store.

Nana Great is in a bowling league. Kyla got her first shot at bowling and loved it. Bumpers were used and occasionally a ramp that she got to roll the ball down.

Mom Time! Much needed as the hormones and emotions of becoming a family of four began.

Helping Papi out on the tractor. It has taken Kyla two years to warm up to this tractor, and she took a ride with Papi for the first time. She LOVES it now!

The photo op didn't last too long as Kyla was Adalynn was hungry. Once again, Kyla loves her sunglasses. Thus, we have multiple pairs.

Feeding the fish, or as Kyla calls them "firsh". Kyla would get so excited to feed the fish. My dad caught the moment on camera and it reminds me of when I was Kyla's age sitting with my great grandmother Rachel. She was an amazing, hard working woman, reminding me of my Nana.

1 comment:

BriT said...

Oh my goodness sis, these photos are wonderful!! I can't pick a favorite or anything, but I love that Kyla kept her sun glasses on the entire time in Costco, she has such personality!! I love them all!! Ohhh...and perfect photo of Nana and Kyla!