Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cookies with Emmy

Kyla and I headed down to Ashland while Jason was on nights. The trip was short, but very rewarding as we had time to just relax with family. A highlight was making cookies with Emmy. When I was little I loved making cookies with my mom. The mess never seemed to bother her, and we always seemed to have fun. This trip down, it was now Kyla's turn to make cookies with Emmy. It was a time to remember for both myself and my mom (Kyla may remember bits and pieces of it). So fun to share things with each generation! Kyla sure enjoyed licking the beater and cutting out cookies after her nap (you can tell which pictures are after her nap due to her hair).

This face tells it all!


Alexis said...

I am so glad you found me! I love baking with Emma too. And we of course eat all the extra frosting together. Our little tradition :)

BriT said...

Oh my goodness Rach, these pictures are PRICELESS!! Some of my absolute favorite Christmas memories are baking Christmas cookies at my grandmas house! I only have memories of being with my sister AND grandma (which Kyla will one day have also) and they are wonderful memories for us all!!

Kyla looked SO cute and she and Emmy looked like they were having so much fun :) yummy!